The celebration of Holi, a popular Hindu festival celebrated across India, lacks specific laws regulating it. Nevertheless, the Indian government has issued guidelines to ensure that the festival is observed safely and responsibly, considering public health and safety concerns.

To promote the safe celebration of Holi, the government has outlined several guidelines, including:

  • Use of natural and safe colors: People are advised to utilize natural and safe colors derived from flowers and other organic sources instead of synthetic colors, which can be harmful to both the skin and the environment.
  • Water conservation: Given the significant issue of water scarcity in various regions of India, people are advised to refrain from wasting water during Holi celebrations.
  • Respectful conduct: People are advised to exhibit respectful and responsible behavior during the festival and avoid engaging in activities that may be harmful or offensive to others.
  • Traffic safety: To prevent accidents and harm, people are encouraged to take precautions while traveling during Holi and to refrain from drunk driving or reckless behavior on the roads.

In essence, the celebration of Holi in India is influenced by a combination of traditional customs, social norms, and government guidelines that aim to promote a safe and enjoyable festival for all.