In India same sex marriage topic becomes very popular in 2023 after taking the stand of central government. In the topic of same sex marriage government said that any change in human relationship is the matter of other powerful body(legislature) and it's not the matter of court.

In 2018 after the case of Navtej Singh Johar Vs. UNION OF INDIA, same sex activity is simply decriminalized but not legalized.

Peoples of LGBTQ community is saying that it is the violation of fundamental rights Article 14,15,19 and 21. Government define all the articles and said there is no violation of right to equality, right to life, freedom of speech and expression, prohibition of discrimination. A relation between a man and a women is Sanskar in India and for making law for LGBTQ the whole law of special marriage act 1954 will changed and the law regarding adoption will be changed too.

Supreme court never recognize LGBTQ as a fundamental right. Section 377 of Indian penal code is not totally abolished because it talks about men, women as well as animal, men with men and female with female is decriminalize only in section 377 of India Penal Code.